Celebrate with us 🎉 Big Discounts until Aug. 31st – Code: NEWME

TINT is now Inside Online

TINT has been my baby for 8 years – and now we’re growing up. Inside Online is now the one and only online world for Inside Flow and Inside Yoga. Whether you desire to become a teacher yourself, simply love to flow and be inspired by our amazing teachers, or are eager to learn and grow limitlessly, we are your community, supporting you on your yoga journey. We live by the words: We move as one, and all you need is inside, always remembering ‘There is no try’.

Young Ho Kim

Save 20% on our yearly memberships

Don’t miss our Inside Online Launch Sale. Use Code: NEWME

Flow Premium
Price per Period $9.99 $6.66 / month

🚀 save 2 months + 20% discount until Aug 31st

$79.9 billed now, then $99.9 yearly

🚀 save 2 months

$29.99 $15.99 / month

🚀 save 4 months + 20% discount until Aug 31st

$191.9 billed now, then $239.9 yearly

🚀 save 4 months

This membership is for you if you want to… Flow Flow, Align & Grow
Unlimited Streaming via Web, Mobile App & TV App
Inside Flow Classes
Inside Yoga Classes
Align & Flow, Healthy Inside, Inside Vinyasa
Inside Flow Starter Course & The Yoga Training
All workshops and video series
Up to $150 discount on Teacher Trainings
Choose Choose

Pay with

30-day money-back guarantee

Buy one of our Academy Online Trainings with 10% discount

4.6 (16)

Young Ho Kim

200-Hour Inside Yoga Online Teacher Training (On-Demand & Live)

Become a certified instructor: Over the course of 4 modules, you will learn all you need to know to safely and effectively teach yoga to other people. Next group starting Jan 01.

3300€ 2970€

4.9 (22)

Young Ho Kim & more

Inside Flow Grundausbildung (Deutsch) (On-Demand & Live)

Detaillierte Inhalte zu Inside Flow, einschließlich Theorie, Praxis, 5 neue Flows, Musik, Unterricht, Sequencing und wie man Inside Flows kreiert. (30 TRC). Nächste Gruppe startet am 01. Oktober.

699€ 621.10€

4.8 (152)

Young Ho Kim & more

Inside Flow Fundamentals Teacher Training (On-Demand & Live)

Detailed lessons on the key areas of Inside Flow including theory, practice, 4 new flows, music, teaching, sequencing, and how to create Inside Flows. (30 TRC). Next group starting on Oct 01.

699€ 621.10€

4.4 (59)

Young Ho Kim & more

Inside Flow Academy Plus (On-Demand)

Learn 12 brand new Inside Flows by the world’s leading Inside Flow Teachers. Each Flow comes with sequencing, storytelling, detailed breakdown and more. (40 TRC).

$499 $449.10

4.7 (22)

Barbra Noh

The Art of Teaching (On-Demand)

Learn key concepts of yoga teaching including therapeutic alignment, various teaching skills, the art of sequencing, class management, effective communication, and anatomy essentials.

$299 $269.10

Watch the replay

On Aug. 08th we celebrated not only the final of our beloved summer challenge but also the launch of Inside Online with a free Inside Flow livestream.

Watch the class to have some fun and experience what the change to Inside Online really means.

Get the free replay here

Why we made the shift to Inside Online

Starting out as an online platform that hosted a wide variety of teachers from all over the world and from different yoga styles, we’ve become more and more fascinated by this special spark of the Inside community. Your stories, your love for Inside Flow, Inside Yoga anatomy, and your willingness to tap into your dreams and emotions – you inspire us and you let us grow into the best version of us.

So thanks to you, we’ve come to realize that indeed all we need is inside.

Inside Yoga, Inside Flow – Inside Online.

That’s why now we as TINT commit fully to you, our community, and grow into your unique online world that supports you every step of the way to the best of our abilities.

An overview of the changes

New Name

It's time to evolve: TINT becomes Inside Online, the exclusive online world for everybody whose lives feel richer since Inside Flow and Inside Yoga have been part of it.

We're embracing our core values and uniting what we love the most. So we always remember “There is no try” and continue to live to fullest with Inside Flow and Inside Yoga.

Flow Membership

The Flow membership includes all of your beloved Inside Flow classes for less than 10$ per month! It is perfect for you as a Flow Lover who simply loves to flow – and for everyone who wants to dip their toes into the Inside Flow Community. #wemoveasone .

Refer a friend coming soon

Tell your favorite Flow buddies and yoga friends about us, inspire them with your passion, and recommend your favorite classes. When they sign up, you’ll receive an extra month on top of your membership for every friend.

Inside Colors

It feels like we’re leaving behind the playful colors and moving on to cleaner and more mature colors. You know them already from Inside Style clothes and insideyoga.org.

New Instagram name

@insideflowofficial and @tint_yoga join forces and become @insideflow.global

From now on, @insideflow.global will represent the global community, bringing online and offline together on social media. You will find inspirational and educational content to flow, grow, learn and laugh, new class releases on Inside Online, the Flows of the month by our avengers for all of you Inside Flow teachers, as well as information about Summits, Online and In-Person Teacher Training all around the world.

New Website Address

Officially connecting what’s always been connected. While insideyoga.org has been the place to find all of the next Inside Flow and Inside Yoga trainings, events, clothing, and community, we’re adding Inside Online to the same sphere.

You now have one space that allows you to discover everything that belongs to the Inside universe.

Updated Apps

Of course, a new website and new colors mean a brand new look for our apps as well. Make sure to visit your app store for the update and a smooth use at home and on the road.

Frequently asked questions

Will Inside Online focus only on Inside Flow content or Flow and Inside Yoga in general? Meaning, will existing content still be available like before?
Yes, the existing content that is based on Inside Yoga and Inside Flow (e.g. therapeutic yoga classes, The Yoga Training series, Vinyasa Flow series) will continue to be available as well as several classes and series outside of the Inside universe.

All the content that we will produce in the future will always have an Inside Yoga or Inside Flow background as these are the classes, our community loves and practices the most. Rule of thumb: If the teacher of the class/series is an Inside Flow and Inside Yoga Teacher, it remains online.

What is the difference between the Flow membership and the Premium membership?
If you like to simply practice Inside Flow, the Flow membership (monthly or yearly) is YOUR option. It includes solely all of our Inside Flow classes. It does **not** include any video series covering a yoga topic from different angles or more broadly. Further, it does not include any classes that are Vinyasa Flow, Inside Yoga, therapeutic yoga, inspirational content, arm balances or anything else.

If you like your yoga practice to have more variety, if you like to dive deeper with classes focusing on a specific topic, if you like to start a video series and be guided from video to video, making progress, if you’re in need of inspiration for your own classes possibly, the Premium membership got you covered. It includes all of the yoga classes/series that we offer (except for separate teacher trainings).

Will I still have access to my Academy training material (200h Inside Yoga TT, Inside Flow Fundamentals TT, etc.)?
Of course. The Academy trainings that you enrolled in will still be available in your personal profile’s Library. It remains the same.
I am an active TINT member and would like my membership to stay as it is. What should I do?
You don’t have to take any action. If you already have a membership and don’t want to switch into one of the two new membership options, there is nothing you need to do. Everything remains the same for you.
I am an active TINT member and would like to switch to a different membership. What should I do?

Please write us which membership you’re in at the moment and which membership option you’d like to switch into, so that we can explain to you which options you have. Send us an email to support@insideyoga.org.

Does the discount code also apply to Academy trainings?
Yes. For example, if you’ve been dreaming of becoming an Inside Yoga Teacher, you can use the discount for the 200hr Inside Yoga Online TT starting in January. Same applies to the other Academy training options with the regard to each upcoming semester. As usual, with your enrollment you receive access to the training videos within 48hours.
How long is the discount code valid and available?
From August 8th to August 31st, you can use the discount code on the memberships as well as the Academy trainings.
Will the Sequence Builder still be available?
Yes, you can find the Sequence Builder here and can still use it for free: tools.insideyoga.org

Schedule a Call

Open Questions?

A representative from our team who already participated in this training is happy to talk to you.

Click on the button below and choose date and time for a 15 minute free call.

Save 20% on our yearly memberships

Don’t miss our Inside Online Launch Sale. Use Code: NEWME

Flow Premium
Price per Period $9.99 $6.66 / month

🚀 save 2 months + 20% discount until Aug 31st

$79.9 billed now, then $99.9 yearly

🚀 save 2 months

$29.99 $15.99 / month

🚀 save 4 months + 20% discount until Aug 31st

$191.9 billed now, then $239.9 yearly

🚀 save 4 months

This membership is for you if you want to… Flow Flow, Align & Grow
Unlimited Streaming via Web, Mobile App & TV App
Inside Flow Classes
Inside Yoga Classes
Align & Flow, Healthy Inside, Inside Vinyasa
Inside Flow Starter Course & The Yoga Training
All workshops and video series
Up to $150 discount on Teacher Trainings
Choose Choose

Pay with

30-day money-back guarantee