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5472. – KONG. Released an Inside Flow Song For You!

5472. – KONG. Released an Inside Flow Song For You!

If someone had told us two years ago that a famous musician would be producing a song for the Inside Flow community, we would have said: "That'd be really, really cool – but we still got a looong way to go for that." and laughed them in the face.  Well, never mind....


5472. – KONG. Released an Inside Flow Song For You!

If someone had told us two years ago that a famous musician would be producing a song for the Inside Flow community, we would have said: "That'd be really, really cool – but we still got a looong way to go for that." and laughed them in the face.  Well, never mind....

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5472. – KONG. Released an Inside Flow Song For You!

5472. – KONG. Released an Inside Flow Song For You!

If someone had told us two years ago that a famous musician would be producing a song for the Inside Flow community, we would have said: "That'd be really, really cool – but we still got a looong way to go for that." and laughed them in the face.  Well, never mind....

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Disney Day at the European Summit in Mallorca, Spain

Disney Day at the European Summit in Mallorca, Spain

Only 2 more months until the Inside Flow community flows together for the European Summit! After several creative brainstormings, the decision has been made: There are so many Disney songs, perfect to flow and sing along, that one whole day is dedicated to all-things...

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KONG. performs at Inside Flow Concert live in Taiwan

KONG. performs at Inside Flow Concert live in Taiwan

It all started with Senior Teacher Rebecca Rasmussen teaching the song “Stand With You” by the artist KONG. at the Global Summit in Bali in November 2023. But the Inside Flow to this song went viral when Inside Flow Japan published a video of their Inside Flow concert...

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5472. – KONG. Released an Inside Flow Song For You!

5472. – KONG. Released an Inside Flow Song For You!

If someone had told us two years ago that a famous musician would be producing a song for the Inside Flow community, we would have said: "That'd be really, really cool – but we still got a looong way to go for that." and laughed them in the face.  Well, never mind....

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What is Inside Flow?

We Move As One

Sint accusantium dis fugiat mollit harum, risus occaecati, voluptatibus cum diamlorem senectus consequat platea porta.